In this historical comedy, six students find themselves having to repeat history class during the summer. Their teacher has special class project where the students must help to set up a new wax museum.
The reluctant students are bored, that is until a mysterious incantation from the back of Cleopatra’s bracelet brings the wax figures to life! It gets messy right from the start when King Henry VIII falls in love with Cleopatra, resulting in a furious Anne Boleyn. Boleyn does her best not to lose her mind, along with her head, and seeks out John Adams as her divorce lawyer. Then it all comes unraveled when Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Blackbeard and a merry band of lady pirates show up looking for treasure! There’s something valuable hidden in the museum! It’s a mad dash to see who can find the treasure, and why is Lizzie Borden lurking in the shadows?!
A big thank you to all who helped in our school play! From Mrs. Florendo running play rehearsals to Mrs. Lynch and her daughter Reese for set design, Mrs. Henry for the t-shirts and program and Mrs. Lange for all of her help! Thank you so much!